The study is intended to investigate the major determinants of life insurance buying behavior in Nigeria insurance corporation Lagos State University, Ojo district. The study focuses on the relationship of life insurance with six selected independent variables (income, attitude, perception, premium, culture, and buying intention). The approach for this study is quantitative research approach. To find the major determinant factors for life insurance buying behavior, the researcher adapted correlation and descriptive mode which indicates that about 96.56 percent of determinant of life insurance buying behavior is explained by the selected six factors. it show that explanatory variables such as perception, attitude, premium, and the intention of buying behavior are statistically significant at 10 percent significance level., attitude, premium, and intension of buying behavior are positively related with life insurance buying behavior. Dependence ratio does not have a statistically significant relationship with life insurance. Income is the most important determinant factor that influences buying behavior for life insurance followed by perception, premium and culture. It was recommended that, the National Bank of Nigeria and the managements of Nigerian insurance companies should further enhance public‘s awareness and financial literacy by using different approaches since the sector have a great importance for the customers and all privet insurance company’s.
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